Head lamp for MN TGAL2000 left L3224
L3224 has features such as: low-beam light, high-beam light, position front. L3224 characterized by a power of 70 W, 70 W, 5 W. The source of this lamp is bulbs H7, bulbs W5 W. L3224 is a certified product. According to standards such as ECE R7, ECE R112. Moreover, it is made of materials: Lens: Glass, Housing: ABS. The voltage is 24 V. The product is packaged in the following configuration cart. dim: 430x230x190 mm, lamp weight: 2750 g, 6 pcs/bulk box.
• It should be used exclusively in accordance with intended use. • Mount exclusively in specialized workshops.
• The connection between the lamp and vehicle’s installation should be isolated with heat-shrink tube, or, alternatively, with isolating tape, to avoid getting water and moisture to the copper wire of the lamp, which can damage electronic components. When it comes to lamp and plug, the plug should be mounted safely.
• Do not cut off tinned ends. • Lamps must be installed only in accordance with UNECE regulations