Truck mirrors are essential elements of the vehicle, directly affecting the safety of the driver and other road users. They provide full visibility, thanks to which the vehicle does not pose a threat on the road.
Mirrors for trucks from renowned brands
The type of mirrors for trucks and the neces...
Truck mirrors are essential elements of the vehicle, directly affecting the safety of the driver and other road users. They provide full visibility, thanks to which the vehicle does not pose a threat on the road.
Mirrors for trucks from renowned brands
The type of mirrors for trucks and the necessity to have them are governed by the relevant legal provisions. The applicable standards require a working interior and exterior mirrors, but the number of both accessories depends on the nature of the vehicle. The mirrors should be properly arranged to allow easy maneuvering of the vehicle. Trucks are a specific group of vehicles, including cars of unusual dimensions. The increased size combined with the heaviness make additional mirrors for trucks indispensable.
Truck mirrors - types
The division of car mirrors is based on six classes:
• 1st class - rear-view mirror inside the cabin on trucks with a rear window.
• 2nd and 3rd class - wide-angle mirror mounted on the truck door, whose task is to monitor the position of the trailer. This type of mirrors is a support during all types of maneuvers.
• 4th class - panoramic mirrors installed on pillars with 2 and 3 class mirrors. The driver then has a wider field of vision.
• 5th class - close-range mirrors, located at the top of the right side door, allowing the driver to see lane lines and curbs.
• 6th class - front mirror, but not required if the truck has a low cabin. It allows the driver to see small objects in front of the hood of the vehicle.
Truck exterior mirrors for increased visibility
Trucks require special concentration and attention from the driver. The dimensions of the vehicle significantly affect the difficulty of maneuvers, and at the same time limit the visibility to a large extent. Truck's exterior mirrors ensure that your vehicle safely reaches its destination. Typically, cars of this type are used to transport large amounts of cargo over longer distances. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers traveled require the vehicle not only to be fully technically efficient, but also to be properly equipped.
We have a wide range of truck mirrors with different specifications and dimensions. It is therefore easy to find the right mirrors for each truck model.