La resistencia de carga ficticia para lámpara led 12v E1368
E1368 has features such as: simulates the current consumption. E1368 characterized by a power of power consumption 18 W, max thermal power 50 W. E1368 is a certified product. According to standards such as ECE R10. Moreover, it is made of materials: Housing: AL. Fastening is screw. The voltage is 12 V. The product is packaged in the following configuration cart. dim: polly bag, lamp weight: 30 g, 1 pcs/bulk box.
• It should be used exclusively in accordance with intended use. • Mount exclusively in specialized workshops.
• The connection between the resistor and vehicle’s installation should be isolated with heat-shrink tube, to avoid getting water and moisture to the copper wire, which can damage electronic components.
• Do not cut off tinned ends. • Resistor must be installed only in accordance with UNECE regulations